Prague tips

While travelling through Europe by train, I‘ve met a lot of people trying to get some tips before visiting Prague. And oh boy, am I bad at recommending things on the fly.

First of all, there‘s a highly regarded YouTube channel called Honest guide but since it could take quite some time to watch through, these are my tips for specific places.


  • Quick snack? Libeřské lahůdky is a good chain of bistros. What to try:
    • Koláč, preferably makový (poppy seed), just be aware that you might be allergic to it. It is actually illegal in some countries but traditional (and delicious) in ours.
    • Chlebíček, preferably debrecinkový na bramborovém salátě. Closest thing to traditional „fast food“ I can think of.
  • Beer? Try Pilsner Urquell draft from tank (točené z tanku), preferably at one of the pubs named Lokál as they take good care of everything. And Žufánek is a great choice of spirits.
  • Local cuisine? Well, stay at the Lokál and try svíčková, pečená kachna or smažený sýr. If you are looking just for a quick snack, go for utopenec, škvarková pomazánka or nakládané olomoucké tvarůžky.
  • Basically any of the restaurants in Ambiente group will be a safe bet.


  • Saturday morning, visit the farmers market. Just make sure it’s actually happening. Bring cash as not every merchant takes cards.